Wednesday, October 17, 2007

october, homecoming 2007, and things that make my day!

(aaron, you're probably the ONLY one who reads this thing so here's your special shout-out to you! haha...)

it's been a good october so far. thanksgiving = mel tan's wedding. i was so excited to see the beautiful and godly mel tan get married. wow, i sound like a ditzy friend, but really, i'm extremely excited to see what God will continue to do through her. it was amazing just to witness the changes God has done in her life in the past 5 years and just... be able to thank God for those changes and now, she's a MARRIED woman. it was so good to see her enjoying every moment of of the wedding... not stressed, but relaxed, poised and well, so calm about this life change. i'm in awe of her! CONGRATULATIONS, MEL & WILL!

so this past weekend, i drove up to kingston for homecoming. it was interesting b/c my car was full of recent grads and i questioned myself, "why are you, melody, going to homecoming?" i realize that no matter how many people have now moved on from kingston (like myself and my cohorts), i still love kingston and the people who are still there. it IS different going to CCF and realizing you don't know 1/2 the people there and 1/4 of them, you know their face but not their names... :( BUT it's also a sense of nostalgia.
surprisingly, it was my first time down on aberdeen during homecoming. i don't know even know why i had never been down there... anyways, there were a few things that really caught my attention. it was pretty fun because it was a lot of pushing and shoving and it was the longest "walk" down aberdeen i have ever taken (it usually took me like 2 minutes to get down the street when i used to walk home from the library). thank goodness for adrian because i didn't let go of his jacket the whole time we were walking. :) anyways, at aberdeen & william, there were 2 people who were sitting at the corner reading the Bible with a flashlight. it was oddly dangerous (since ppl were tripping left, right and centre), but i was really proud of them in some sense. it was oddly dangerous, a bit weird, but i applaud them for being bold. :) the other insight i got from the sadness of reality... i looked into so many blank and empty faces as i walked down that street that day. i talked to so many friends who live for aberdeen and drinking but really, as i walked down that day, i felt that it was so empty and those faces really showed that. the glazed emotionless look, the girl hanging lifeless in the hands of her friends.... who would want to be like that? the sad thing is, they might not remember any of that... but i do. and i was sad that night.

things that make my day #1: seeing friends that i haven't seen in a long time
- going to mel tan's wedding and seeing 4 tables of queen's crew + more at the wedding ceremony
- seeing ivan on the subway
- getting surprise phone calls from people far far away (ahem, arizona and hong kong!!)

i miss my friends. i really do. can you come back yet?


At October 18, 2007 1:22 AM, Blogger Buttug McOysty said...


Thanks for the link, I'm going to use it on my own blog, because I actually talked about how I thought the balconies were unsafe hahahaha. This just validates my point.

She's no longer Mel "Tan" anymore. Moment of silence for a lost friend (lolz)

At October 24, 2007 1:13 AM, Blogger Pat said...

Hey Mel! I get tuned into your blog when I'm procrastinating. It keeps me in the loop. Was that your first time at Aberdeen?


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