Monday, February 06, 2006

who am i?
courtesy of ken from 2003. i've been hearing this phrase addressed to me a lot this year... WHO AM I?

i mean, i know i'm Chinese, i'm Christian, i'm a student, etc. but who am i really? what composes me? (and please don't talk bio with me... <-- terry ha)

it's been a rough couple of weeks for me. it's been a testing time. a bitter time. a renewing time. and a cycle. i just went through all those emotions now as i typed up an UBER good post and then tried to copy it before publishing and then deleted it by accident. i should have just PUBLISHED! :(

anyways, what i wanted to say is that i've been struggling with my identity for the past week and it's brought me to post. i realize that my life is becoming quite a mystery and only those friends who actually keep up with my life know what's going on. and there aren't that many of those. but thanks to those friends who like to stay updated on my life and read this blog even when i update so rarely and so impersonally.

i've been thinking that i have no friends. not in terms of quantity but in terms of quality. i've been feeling like i'm lacking those friends that i can turn to when i need help and support. who can i turn to? who will be there when i cry? as jackie once told me in high school, "you're a true friend when you've seen the person cry in front of you". (or something along those lines....) i've been feeling like i've been abandoned, rejected, forgotten by some of my closest friends. people who i thought would never leave me. but in some ways or another, they have. like i've realized that i've neglected many things and caused dents in friendships b/c i simply couldn't catch up or didn't even try... and so i blame myself for a lot of these "lack of"s.

(disclaimer: many of these comments are generalizations and are not meant to be taken too personally)

but in the same way, when i thought there was nothing else.... i remembered.

who can i turn to? who will be there when i cry? there is one more "person" that i've neglected. i've been trying to patch things up and He's been showing me things through:
- Praise and Prayer ("it's not about sacrifice, it's about letting God take things away that belong to Him")
- KCAC ("You are holy holy holy, All creation cries holy Holy God..."; the Spirit came)
- Skype from Taiwan missionary (encouraged by opportunity)
- personal devos and prayers, journalling (I can cry in His presence)

just so many things... I have a true friend. When I have no one, when I have nothing, when I feel empty and lonely, I can cry in His presence. Posted by Picasa


At February 06, 2006 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

johnny hearts you melo

At February 07, 2006 11:52 PM, Blogger Emily said...

i love you mel mel so so so so much - thanks for having me this past weekend, you are funner than anybody else i know :) yyayay talks until 4am...

At February 08, 2006 9:01 PM, Blogger Sam Hsieh said...

i believe you are experiencing the symptoms of "mid-way to mid-life crisis" crisis. happens to everyone, especially when they're about to hit 30. =D

look forward to seeing ya reading week and perchance even toledo? =)

faith up!

At February 09, 2006 2:11 AM, Blogger A Mandar said...

Always open ears for you mel. And always a spare foot incase it needs to go anywhere =)

At February 11, 2006 10:02 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

Identity crisis?

Ahh quality is always better than quantity. It's all about refining.

At May 08, 2006 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOO! i just saw my name...hahah


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