Tuesday, April 18, 2006

past two weeks...

suffice to say, these past two weeks have passed quickly. stress abounding with stupid PSYC 385 lab and exam on the same day... which i may have done oh so poorly on. but alas, there are only 2 more exams to my undergraduate days.

i haven't had time to update much on my life, but... here it is. i am going to do my MASTER's of Arts in Child Study and Education at OISE/UT next year and the year after. That is if I don't fail out this term and then they take away the offer. but yeah, that's where i'll be.. back in the TO and not in Taiwan teaching English as i originally thought.

then we had Grad Night at KCCF. i am so grateful for the friends i have there and not just those in those picture. you know, i've never felt a huge connection with those in my year but that night, we all came together to just celebrate us and that was fun. REALLY FUN. we had sharing, games, punking the new committee with shaving cream. muahaha... AFTER they pie-d us first. but yeah, it was great. in my sharing, i nearly cried but then my PAD group came up and read me a tribute to me that they put in the Ovecomer and then I did a "It's Not Easy Being a Pimp" dance. So for all your pleasure, I finally found a clip of it and this is me on the most embarassing night of my life at KCCF. But once again, I think I am shameless.

Afterwards, we went to Denny's at 2am and I got home around 4ish? It screwed up my whole weekend, but i'm going to miss the new friends i made this year.... it's like i made new friendships and also renewed some old ones. i really want to keep in touch with these friends. it's been awesome guys. you know, i always took the friendships here for granted but i will try my best to be there for people when they need it...

hmm... what else? oh, i'm going to panama on may 1st for a vacation with some people from kccf. it's a bit random with some people i don't know really well so hopefully it'll all work out. it's supposed to be a surfing trip but we're also going to hit up a rainforest and go ziplining and then go to panama city, see the canal and then hang out at our all-inclusive resort. i'll definitely upload pics when i get back....

alright, i gotta get back to studying or sleeping... it's late. studying is like crap.

love ya all...


At April 24, 2006 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

melooooody. enjoy the rest of undergrad; i owe you a pie. have fun in panama!!


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