planet watching...
apparently, all five planets are up in the sky: venus, mars, jupiter, saturn and one more. i can't see them... i don't know what planets look like. elim told me, they're like bright stars that don't twinkle. i tried looking, i still don't see them. the only thing i know is that God made those stars AND those planets. whether i can tell which is which is not the important part. the important part is knowing that God made them and I should bring glory to Him by reminding myself of His great work of nature.
overcomer is printing! yay! no more stress... now onto my lab assignment that i'm too tired to be working on. it's due first thing wednesday morning and i've only looked it through once... crapis. ah well, hopefully i won't have to pull yet another all nighter!
btw, thanks for being dedicated readers of my undedicated blog... =)