okay, so here it is... day one of exams (for me...) i've had it easy this term and yet, my life seems so blank. i've been having a few stress attacks lately... i blame it on PMS... but honestly, here's my schedule for finals this term:
april 21 (thurs) - 30% environment studies night exam, 3 essays
april 22 (fri) - 15% psychology stats project due
april 23 (sat) - 45% intro to western music history, M.C., T/F, fill in blanks, 1 of 5 pre-given essay questions
sometime next week, i have to hand in my 100% journal for my psyc of reading course...
these past two weeks, i have been working hard... i read all my course texts last week AND TOOK NOTES ON THEM ALL and then gone through each course at least once, but then why is it my 15% paper stresses me out the most? 1) i hate stats, 2) i have the lowest mark in it, 3) this project should be worth more than 15% but thank God it isn't...
so far, i am handing in the project late... 2% for the whole weekend... but i think i need it to keep some sanity. so, next few days schedule:
1) cram for environment studies all day and regurgitate at night
2) friday morning, go to reading school to take pictures of the work the kids did while i was there 3) friday lunch with judy, it's her birthday!
4) friday night, committee meeting, casual bible study, meeting up with my other group member who's handing in project late
5) fit in working on project as much as possible
6) cram for music all day saturday and regurgitate at night
7) sunday, church & sunday school... teaching on my own...
8) touch up the project MUST FINISH sunday
9) cell group dinner
10) work on journals all week next week - must hand in by April 29 (fri)
11) visit Kaleidoscope kid on Monday because Wednesday i won't be able to make it...
11) go back to T.O. for a mid-week interview and rush back to Kingston...
12) DONE.
God is the one who sustains me. Amen.